I would like to thank Intan, Liyana, Michelle, Adrina and my sister for such a wonderful baby shower which they planned for me last Saturday. It was held at Modestos, who charged us RM500 from 3 to 6pm, provided us with free flow of coke and sprite and a few pieces of cakes. Luckily Intan sponsored pastries and Kak Pah brought cake so the guests didn't go home hungry.
We played 4 games (actually 5 including one which everyone thought was so silly that we were simply giving out the prizes). The 4 games were Nursery Rhymes (which I need to really hafal after this), Guess my statistics, memory game and old style nappy (kak pah was using her baby to lipat the lampin! and Angie was using Mira's doll which I thought was real smart!).
Thank you for the presents, I had a great time opening them! Before I forget, thanks to my organizers for the pastries, some of the door gifts (my Sister in law gave handmade notepad, motherinlaw gave the choc wrap, best friend gave the cute brown cookies, and sister made the candles and got the cool crayon pens), the cake (which was not only beautiful, but really sedap too!)- those who wanted the contact number, you can call my sister, it was her friend that made the cake..
Thanks for coming. Thank you Sazzy, Yasmin Hani, Julia Z I know you all are busy, but made time to come for this do....
Love you all!
Ooooh I have to add, some of the lucky winners got gifts from DnA! :) Enjoy your gifts peeps...
oh, and thank you Mira (Intan's daughter) and Lil Myiesha (my sister's daughter) for the barang barang for the decorations.
Ala, mostly thank you very very much for doing the baby shower for me. (Intan, Adrina, Michelle -even though you had to leave early *sobsob*, My BFF liyana and my beloved sister Evelyne)