Alhamdulillah, cukur Jambul Khyra Khalyssa telah selesai last Saturday, 16th October dirumah parents Dynas. Photos will be shared bila Dynas dah dapat copy nye ye? :) Dynas would like to thank my parents, my parents in law, my husband, my family (sister, brother, brother in law, sisters in law, my cousins), my best friends (Shukor, Liyana, Michelle, Dyah, Intan etc) for helping out. Also, thank you to Suriani Merican (Make A Wish company) for the beautiful Shell Buai for Khyra. Alhamdulillah, semua jalan Lancar. Thank you to the media yang hadir and also to everyone yang hadir that day. Special thanks to Aishah Sinclair for coming wearing my creation of breastfeeding baju kurung. If you all are interested to see my designs for breastfeeding bajus, please check out our DnA website: dna.com.my.
Thank you Julia Ziegler and Abi Abadi for coming.