Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Rumor..

Rumor has it that I am supposedly getting a divorce and getting remarried in August.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.... Dynas? CERAI?!!! Pastu kawin lagi satu in Ogos?

OOOHHH tidak tidak....

It is NOT TRUE people... Semua nye karut belaka. Dynas masih dilamun cinta, Fizzi is one of the best things that has happened in my life. I love him very much... :)

So, my lovely fans out there, tak payah lah dengar cakap orang yang bukan bukan ye.:)

Love u all!


Foto taken today at Princess Raniya's 2nd bday party. Thank you Nurul Kamalia and Najmee for the invite. may we have many more baby's birthdays together, Insyallah.