There's been a few speculations here and there about why and HOW i lost my Emma Malisa...Truth is, Allah (s.w.t) loves her more, which is why she was taken away from me. There's a reason why we malays say "Ada Hikmah disebalik nye" and why Westerners say "There's a silver lining in between".
I am being strong to believe in the hikmah or the silver lining...
But here and there, people are saying I lost her because of the sexy clothes I wear.....if wearing sexy causes miscarriage, then it is acceptable for one to judge me by saying it...But there is no scientific and medical link to say that the clothes you wear will make your baby suffocate, heart stop, distorted etc...
The reason why people in the years before wear loose dresses, its because that was the ONLY option you have...You either get it long sleeved, short sleeved, three quarter sleeve or sleeveless...But its still the above ankle, below knee dress with a ribbon to tie behind your waist...
Anyway, here's a few links to what we wear will not cause baby's discomfort whatsoever...It may cause discomfort for me, but it certainly wont cause a miscarriage...
From babycenter...
link to babycenter abt stylish clothes during pregnancy
Most pregnant women before avoid wearing sexy clothes probably because they are not comfortable with their body. But thanks to celebrities in Hollywood, and education, people nowadays are accepting their body more evidently. Pregnant women nowadays love showing their bumps. It only shows that they are confident women carrying a baby.

here's a link how well protected is your fetus in your womb...
Be thankful for what you have and stop speculating what others have lost...I would not wish what happened to me to my worse enemy, let alone speculate openly to them about it...Its the worse thing one can do..