Monday, May 31, 2010

Celcom users...

Hello all,

For all celcom users, type ON DYNAS and send to 28080 and get sms from me everyday!

Untuk semua penguna Celcom, type ON DYNAS dan hantar ke 28080 dan dapatkan sms hari hari dari dynas sendiri....



Ayie said...

Oh yeah.. berapa ya nnt pihak celcom akan charge???

aziraarif said...

sms hari2 dr dynas? sms mcm mane tu? is that really you yg akan SMS?

Anonymous said...

hi dynas,
juz out of concern, i think the story i read here

is about you. I hope it is not true and it is just a gossip. it is not good to see one of my fav actress being badmouthed.

take care.