Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hi guys,

People have been busy writing rumors about me. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I would like to clear some things out in this blog, so that the people who may have been writing about me will rest peacefully. :)

Rumour 1: Awal and I...

Awal and I are still the best of friends, we decided to jual the DnA Celebrity Style because we both ventured into something different, I have to oncentrate on Khyra as she is the most important thing in my life right now...Oh its so wonderful to have her.... *smile smile smile*.

Here's a recent picture of Awal and Khyra

At first, I joined another friend of mine, Adrina, into DnA Exclusive (the shop in Empire Gallery). But, after 3 months of giving birth, I've decided to sell my share of the shop but I have kept our DnA name (which is registered under me). The shop in Empire Gallery is now called Trio's. (I think it stands for 3 Othman Sisters).

Anyway, Ive decided to concentrate on Khyra (and beautifying my new home) heheheehe

DnA will resume via Internet sale, but not anytime soon. Let me enjoy motherhood first kay? :)

Romour 2: My previous baby

Someone mentioned in their blog that they have proof that I aborted my baby, Arwah Emma M by paying a large sum of money to my doctor because the baby was defected. I don't have anything to say to this someone, but all I can say is, I was very upset when I was brought to the hospital in April 2009, with contractions at such early stage. I knew that something was wrong, mother's instinct kicked in, I guess. When I was informed that there was no heart beat, I was pretty sure my heart stopped beating too. I doa to Allah swt to stop my heart from beating and let Emma's heart start beating again. I would give anything in the world to have her born safely, the full 10 months term. Unfortunately, Allah swt loves her more, he took her instead of me.
My doctor was very supportive and kind. How could anyone write that about her? Taking money from me to help abort my Emma M?

Sometimes I wonder why people write these things without thinking? But then again, its a free country. They are free to write people's mishaps in order for their own happiness.


azimask said...

salam dynas... hanya Allah swt yangtahu.. biarkan orang dengan kata kata mereka.. janji kiter bahagia...
chill ok.. :D

// klik sinie jom ke blog mimie azimask :D ... //

fizah said...

hai dynas..
mulut manusia ssh nk tutup..smpai la da tutup mata, then br xngata2 dh..sbr k..God knows the truth..jgn pk org ckp ape k..enjoy ur motherhood..i am enjoying the moment now..nk tgk my doter, jemput la ke blog i..twa

fizah said...

Chiem said...

Good for you for taking the high road. They are just jealous of you.

viruspadu said...

sampainya hatiiiiiiiii dorang cakap macam tu

saya yang baca ni pun sedih. sebab saya pun kehilangan anak pertama jugak alesha abriza bt. shamsul. Jadi saya memahami perasaan dynas

harap2 mulut2 tu dapat balasan yang setimpal. moga mereka insaf.

ShilaShower said...

you amin kan aje. if seribu orang cakap camtuh, dah 1000 amins. murah rezeki you nanti :)

Nor Leesa said...

Doa aje pada Allah SWT agar diaorang rasa perasaan yang sama kak dynas rasa sekarang!

pizet said...

i believe in you dynas...biarlah luncai dengan labu2nya...derang memang dengki tengok orang senang kot...comel daughter nanti gorgeous macam mak dia jugak... :)

Anonymous said...

hi dynas..
too much la that gosip..
biasa la mulut orang susah tutup..takde ape pun nk craete juge cte biar hot..
wishing you all da best and enjoy your motherhood ya...enjoy everymoment with ur hubby, kids and fam..cheers

Mademoiselle Ctiey said...

Wahh... cutenyer khyra... pipinyer sooo cuteeeeeeee....

Alyza Fisol said...

ish ish ish...sabor je la ngan org2 camni..suka wat cite2 yg tak btoi...dh la kita sedih2, dia gi wat cite camtu plak...kena kat btg idung sndri br nk senyap kot...hmmm...

pape pn k.dynas, sye sentiasa sokong strong k...enjoy all the moment ngan org2 t'sayang...ignore je org2 camtu...senyum slalu!! :D

Anasfadilah said...

kadang-kadang tak paham juga,kenapa suka buat cerita yang tak sahih kebenarannya

only Allah and kak dynas yang tahu,orang nak kata apa,apa peduli..

p/s:Khyra sangat cumells :)

cik_ah82 said...

xpatuttttt langsung la sapa yg cakap mcm tu..dia ingat beranak tu senang2 ka nk kuaq pastu buang cam tu..bengong sungguh mulut2 tu..hanya ibu2 ja yg paham..

MamaIcha said...

Allah kabulkan doa orang yg teraniaya..moga Dynas & keluarga selalu di bawah lindunganNya :)

hi khyra...salam kenal dari marissa :)

Annasue'G said...

asalkan u & ur family tahu hal sebenar sudahkan? yg penting dah ade khyra skrg! take care. ;D

Mommy of Fiona et Thalia said...

Hi babe, I believe in you... Stay strong, stay cool, stay fabulous!

Kish kish baby Khyra for me :)


yong ibu chem said...

apa2 pun, buat tak tau je. lama2 nanti hilang ditelan zaman lah cerita rekaan tu.

ur baby Khyra, nama shedapppp sgt.chomel lak tu. rindunya kita dgn bau baby...

attyfir said...

salam dynas..just ignore what people say to u ..
semoga dynas tabah ..

lily lotus said...

be strong dear :)...u deserved to be happy


kenapa still ada manusia yg berhati busuk,suka sakitkan hati orang lain utk kepuasan diri sendiri? be strong dynas,sebab ape yang berlaku tu ade hikmahnya.U dah ada sweety Khyra sekarang...
(i brangan nak baby girl pulak..entah bile :))

ietams said...

kesian u kan..
banyak² bersabar & positif ye...

amira zakiah said...

comeinyer...!bahagian pp tue yg plg best.

lindaoff said...

Have faith and be strong..
"People" will always judge others.
Just holdin' there and do what you do best^_^