Before I went off to KK, I went to see Myiesha because I haven't seen her for a while and I was missing her like C-R-A-Z-Y!
When I was waiting for my sister to open the gates, Myiesha (pronounced as My-Ee-Sha) gave me the biggest smile a baby can give...
It was awww so sweet..
she wrote about me here...
awww jugak..she's so adorable..just like u ;)
kak dynas, anak en hakim ke?
anak sdara dah kenal auntie dia yer..hehehehe.. tunggu la dia pndai cakap nanti, sure lg seronok! :)
Hye Dynas....
Selamat berpuasa.
Singgah m`baca ur blog....
take care.
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