Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hello semua... I must must share this with you all.. Especially to the expectant mothers... Sebab I really really LOVE their products and because I love it so much, I also thought I should sell them at DnA. Ive been using their products in the middle of my first pregnancy. And I must say, Tanamera Post Natal really sesuai for me. A few months ago, I was getting migrane sebab tak cukup air or tidur (especially masa tengah design Raya breastfeeding wear last year). I tak suka makan ubat/panadol banyak banyak, so I tried a few calming tea and minyak from the Pharmacy. But that didnt work. Then I tried this Lavendar Floral Water... I totally LOVED IT...
It works very well for me, I even bring it along with me in my bag. So kalau dalam jam masa panas terik, Dynas spray a little bit on me and around me and inhale the mist... And then, wah-lah, my brains are active again! :) My sister is not pregnant but she is thinking of getting a set to use too. If any of you are interested in the products, you can drop by my shop (but we have limited supply) OR, easier, you can just click on the link Buy Tanamera products... Senang Je... Love, Dynas

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